06 Mar COVID Wheel Chair Van Transportation
COVID Wheel Chair Van Transportation
Wheelchair Transportation | Roseville | Rocklin | Lincoln | Placer County
MediCab staff have been working hard to keep our business moving through these last few months. We want to thank all of our clients, clinics, staff and family members for understanding the changes that we’ve had to implement. We have had multiple staff members sent for COVID testing due to possible contact with a patient or facility where known positive cases exists. We credit our safety measures with the fact that we have had no positive tests within our firm.
Per State orders, our drivers will wear a mask at all times. In addition, we sanitize our vehicles after every client. Our drivers sanitize their hands before and after every client. We also have a no entry policy at skilled nursing facilities to help keep possible transmission of COVID minimized. Although this policy becomes a bit difficult with some medical appointments, we feel that we must implement the best policies for the greater good. This might prohibit our ability to transport some clients, but it is necessary to ensure all clients remain as safe as possible. Our drivers are regularly checking their temperature and if there are any signs of illness, will not report to work.
As more testing is complete, and more positive tests arise, it is our policy to not transport any client who has tested positive until they have had two consecutive negative COVID tests. We also cannot transport any client with symptoms such as: fever and coughing. Although this might be an inconvenience to some clients, we do feel it is the best decision for the majority of our clients along with our staff members. We have an obligation to ensure both our staff and clients, along with their families are protected. We transport many high risk clients and cannot risk their health, and therefore, must have very strict regulations during this pandemic. We want to thank all the facilities, clinics and clients we work with and around for doing their part to ensure the safety of all of our clients and staff. Together, we will get through this.